shoot the moon是什么意思 shoot the moon中文翻译、读音、例句-pg电子最新网站入口

发布时间:2022-11-27 14:29:06 阅读:228 点赞:73

shoot the moon是什么意思 shoot the moon的中文翻译、读音、例句

shoot the moon通常被翻译为"夜逃"意思,还经常被翻译为夜逃,在线读音是[shootthemoon],shoot the moon是一个英语名词,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到83个与shoot the moon相关句子。

1. and rything was still beneath the moon

翻译:and rything was still beneath the moon。

2. ♪ in the ning, i will fly you to the moon

翻译:♪ in the ning, i will fly you to the moon。

3. ? as you shoot acss the sky-y-y ?

翻译: as you shoot acss the sky。

4. can't have one of his big fat feet stepping on mon.

翻译:fat feet stomping on moon haven。

5. - personal question? - yeah, shoot.

6. pitfight at the quarter moon!

翻译:-fight at the quarter moon。

7. things have been out of whack for a while now.

8. ? pink moon is on its way?

翻译:♪ pink moon is on its way ♪。

9. what, to shoot the glickmans' dog?

翻译:to shoot the glickmans' dog。

10. yo "betiful moon" mean ?


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